Monday, February 21, 2011


Hello and welcome to the developer's blog for the adventure game, The Golden Anvil.

It's strange to type this for an audience that may not exist, or may eventually exist. All of this is rather experimental, at least for me. I suppose in the overall scheme of things, that's all that matters, is that this is my project and my dream. At least, it is for now.

But enough with ramblings. Who am I? A lot of things, but mostly a writer. I've done a good bit of work with minimal success, but just enough to make me feel I am on the verge of breaking through. Still, it seems anyone that considers themselves talented things they're on the verge.

Since you're reading this, you probably didn't get here via any of my written work, but most likely by word of the game "The Golden Anvil". The game is an adventure game in the vein of Sierra, Lucasarts and all the rest of the adventure companies that have sprung up through the years. So, if you don't like adventure games, this blog may not be for you.

Maybe though, you just like to see the creative process in action, or you enjoy supporting developers. If that's the case, then I hope to entertain. Through the course of this blog's life, I hope to track the development of this game. There's already a significant amount of work done in terms of art resources and the music for the game is complete, so I'll be posting these resources online, here, in chronological order of how they first appeared on the forums of the Telltale gaming website, where I first became inspired to develop this game.

With those introductions out of the way, I can only hope you'll return soon to see the way the game has progressed over the last few months and where I intend to take the process. You'll see art resources from sketch to pen, from pen to scan and finally to color. You'll hear snippets of the music to be used. You'll be given elements of the plot. Nothing ever so great that it would spoil the game itself, but hopefully enough that you might become interested in supporting the game, if in no other way than by telling other adventure fans.

So please, come back soon. I promise I won't be lax in keeping this updated.

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